Our Services
Servicing all continents worldwide. See how PCS can help protect your investments.
Real Time Estimates & Quotes
Contact our Inside Sales Coordinator for current and up to date quotes on products and services offered. Our system tracks your most purchased products and will send you a notification when prices for those products change, such as a new price list – providing you with Real Time Estimates and Prices.
Efficient Delivery Times
PCS ensures it has products readily on hand for our client's orders and ships them out within 48 hours. With specialized orders, the time and day of arrival will be discussed at the time the order is placed. Even with specialized orders, products are guaranteed to arrive by the date discussed at the time of purchase.
High Quality Products
Our team works extra hard to produce high quality products, ensuring you are being protected 100% of the time. Replacing and/or repairing broken pipelines or materials (above or below ground) can be exceptionally expensive. We maintain consistency and stand behind our make and quality. Ensuring our products are reliable allows us to offer a full 30 years guarantee on our products. Utilizing PCS' high quality products also assists you with long-term growth of customer satisfaction and to us – that is most important.
Outstanding Customer Service
Petro Coating Systems Ltd guarantees the best customer service in its class. We believe, to sustain a positive relationship, a foundation of trust must be initially built. PCS values its clients and is dedicated to high performance results. Our team works extremely hard to ensure we ship you the right products, for the right job in the right amount of time. The construction industry is just like the "Big Apple" – it never sleeps; therefore we pride ourselves on being there for you, when you need us.